Aligma is a forward-thinking and progressive biotechnology company. The Aligma group consists of several companies, Aligma Europe Bv, (based in the Netherlands) a company mainly concerned with the marketing of the products produced. Aligma exclusively produces products from micro-algae for, among others, the food industry, food additives, nutritional supplements (domestic) animal nutrition, health, beauty and wellness products. And so too, wants to produce bio-simulant and bio-plastics. Our products are always grown and processed organically.

In addition to Aligma Europe Bv. there is Aligma Pte. Ltd. (based in Singapore) primarily concerned with developing solutions to the world's most pressing challenges, one of these solutions being to use algae to capture CO 2 from essential industrial processes. To sequester the CO 2 via the natural formula of photosynthesis, a process that algae carry out. We are currently working proactively with these types of CO2 emitting industries to reduce emissions using this natural process.
Our range of products contribute to reducing plastic waste in the environment, relieving pressure on agricultural land and contributing to food supplies worldwide. At Aligma, we believe that microalgae will play an essential and critical role in solving some of the world's most pressing social, economic, environmental and climate challenges.